

This summer I went with Youth Travel to Easton Taiwan, that is one of the best trip I joined ever! We enjoyed three days in Fonan (a small county of Hualain, the A-mei aboriginal called “Cilamitay” means large roots).

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What is the specialist thing must do in Taiwan? 

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Sunshine in Madrid is the same with Taipei.
The different is people in Madrid not afraid the sun, they just run and play with it.


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After five days french bread with cheese, tomato and vegetables.
I start to practice cook today.

Also, I bought a bottle of dessert wine and milk.
Try to be kind to my body and wish it can be more healthy soon.

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The man I saw in Guangzhou airport who I really admire because he traveling by himself with his wheelchair, and waiting as long time as me. What kind of things he did in China, I'm curious.

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I'd send a postcard to you dear, cause I wish you were here....

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