
目前分類:Vida en Europa (5)

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Sunshine in Madrid is the same with Taipei.
The different is people in Madrid not afraid the sun, they just run and play with it.


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After five days french bread with cheese, tomato and vegetables.
I start to practice cook today.

Also, I bought a bottle of dessert wine and milk.
Try to be kind to my body and wish it can be more healthy soon.

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The man I saw in Guangzhou airport who I really admire because he traveling by himself with his wheelchair, and waiting as long time as me. What kind of things he did in China, I'm curious.

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I'd send a postcard to you dear, cause I wish you were here....

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Start traveling again. Even through there have something really important thing lost before I leave Taiwan but what I can do is only carry it and keep going.
I wish all of you could doing good in Taiwan.

This picture is the morning I arrived Paris, I stay in the airport waiting for airplane for eight hours.
Saw lots different kind of people. What I surprised is all the people from different culture could work really good in this airport.

I love the women from Africa wearing gold and sliver jewelry, that is really suitable them.
I love the kids running and playing the escalator, their laugh bring enrage to the airport.

Airport is an amazing place, people transport here, they have to find some way to spend the time for waiting so you can see they do different things for the same reason.

It is my first experience to stay long time in the airport. :o)

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